For all babies,interest in the breast has peaks and valleys. There are commonly times when babies will be less interested and at this age some babies will even go on a nursing strike. It sounds like you are a really good mom who has done your homework about solids. If your baby were older and you were ready to wean, this would be a healthy and gradual way to do so but as you recognize, she is still very young and you both can benefit from continued nursing. Your assesment is right on. The things that are contributing to her decreased interest are bottles,limited nursing, separation from mom, possibly decreased milk supply, intro of solid foods and normal developmental changes. Since you are happy with your intro to solids and it is unlikely that you are going to quit work...the best place to start would be by eliminating any bottles when you are home and available to nurse...before bed and early morning? More nursing will increase milk supply. Offer the breast BEFORE offering solids when she is hungriest as the breast milk is still the most nutritious and the solids will be for fun, like dessert, after she has had her main course. Most important, NURSE more, hang in there, pump more frequently to keep your supply plentiful if she won't nurse more often, don't take it personally, it isn't that she doesn't like your breast milk anymore she is just temporarily excited by the new and different world of food. Most like, she is just be passing through a short phase and in a week or two will love nursing more than ever and what a shame it would be if you gave up now and lost your/her milk. Take care of yourself as well deal with stress, increase rest and fluids and eat healthy. Don't force nursing so that the two of you get stressed and unhappy each time the breast is offered. Stay positive and give her lots of praise when she does settle down and nurses. Pat yourself on the back for being wise enough to realize that the breast is still best. This is very common and can be resolved with continued nursing.
About Me: I am mother to 5 and grandmother to 7 (soon to be 9)I am a nurse-midwife, lactation consultant and starting a business in Solana Beach called GRANDMA TO GO.