Our 14month old 3rd daughter did (is doing) the same thing. She started about 10 months. I an nursing her, and she would wake up and feed 2-3 times a night. I tried to stop nursing, and just rock her down. She would have nothing of it. I was not comfortable with letting her cry for hours, which she would if we did not pick her up. I read alot about letting children learn to self sooth, and fall asleep on their own. It sounds great, but when it is your child screaming, it doesn't seem right. Since then we do the nightly dance, knowing that this was a phase that would pass. Recently I was able to stop nursing her, and just hold her, and she would go back to sleep. The episodes are shorter, and she is quicker to go back down. We always returned her to her bed. This past week, we were able to just pat her back down without getting her out of the crib, so it appears that she is getting into a groove. We try to have a bedtime routine, feed, bath, pj's, hold, bottle. It works to get her down, it's the staying down that we had to work on. It will pass, but some nights, it felt like she would never sleep.
By the way, our other two kids slept perfectly, so we were like, what is this all about?
good luck.