No need to worry--mine didn't get her first until 10 months. There is a wide range of normal in this and many other areas when it comes to babies. Be glad for it:) Less biting while nursing! In terms of solid foods it doesn't really matter --they don't use the first ones they get in to chew the food--the front teeth come in first and you don't use those to chew up your food. For a long while, children "gum" their table food pieces so when you feel ready you can try table foods. My daughter refused all jar food at 10 months and she had one silly tooth. My daycare baby is now 9 months old with two front teeth and she can "gum" most bread, crackers, cheese, ground beef, turkey, chicken breast bits (moist cooking method), soft fruit pieces (banana, peach, plum, pear, orange) minus the peel and membrane. Hope this helps:)