My 5 year old daughter started wetting her pants and having poop accidents regularly back in September. I took her to the Dr to see if it was a medical condition--No problem was found.
After talking to my wise mommy friends, I realized this all started right when all day kindergarten started. She is a very assertive, to say the least, child. She would love for the teacher to sit down and hush so she could take over teaching the class--LOL. When we put it all together--kids can control 2 things in their lives--what they put into their bodies (food) and what the let back out (pee and poop). I think she was feeling out of control with her new class and new schedule and new friends, and new teacher and most of all NEW RULES to follow. After a couple months (and her dad giving her tons of praise and .50 per day that she came home clean and dry--positive attention). Her accidents ended and we have been good since.
So, my question to you is...has anything in your sons life changed dramatically? New school? New home? New rules? That might make him do this?
PS My daughter does not stay dry through the night yet. She sleeps so soundly that she does not usually wake up with the feeling of having to go potty. She goes potty before bed at 7 and I wake her up at 10:30 every night to pee (she sleeps right through this too). This keeps her dry til morning.
Hope you find a solution.