does your baby arch her back during the day? (throw her head back, etc.?) Could be a sign of reflux. Also, when was her last check up? She could have an ear infection which might make sleeping uncomfortable. My baby boy has slept either on his side or tummy. Not that I'm recommending tummy sleeping, that would depend on if your little one can already roll, etc. And, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but cereal doesn't always work to make babies sleep through the night. My almost 8 mo old can eat his solids, empty both breasts, and still wake up, hungry, in the middle of the night (at which point he will empty both breasts and return to sleep). Everyone has suggested to me to put cereal in a bottle and give it to him, but I can just see that being the start of a really bad habit. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help, but I would definitely make a docs appt to rule out an illness. Best of luck!