Hi there i know just how you feel.I have a daughter that went through this nap here and nap there.I tried all ways of fixing the problem and finally we would let her have a nap between noon and 2,but would be sure if she wasnt awake on her own by 2 we wake her anyway and keep her busy and occupied till 9,then make her eat and shortly after we did that for awhile she was down to one nap around the same time and in bed by at least 10...like i said though it take awhile,but we finally got it done.She had to adjust to our routine for her and we realized that she wasnt sleeping the way she should had been because she was still hungry and wasnt able to tell us..maybe he is going through it too,i hope it works out for ya cause it does make ya feel as if youre doing something wrong at times.good luck to you.