Dear A.,
He probably had a nightmare or something like that. He also reacted to your fright, kids are experts about their parents moods and feelings. You are also feeling very insecure and uncomfortable about living with relatives. Tell them you need to let your son cry in the night and ask them how they feel about that. They will probably be supportive, especially since you are a diligent mom, and will not be neglecting the baby.
Remember, we live in an affluent country, but not everyone is on easy street. The television misleads us into thinking that we all can be yuppies and have alllll that stuff that supposedly makes us happy. Well, you have an elegant caring family, and that can give you much more comfort and peace than anything that you cannot afford to buy.
Just pinch your pennies and work, work, work, and communicate, communicate, communicate, and respect each other and love, love, love. ...and everything will be alright....sooner or later.
I grew up in Arkansas during the 1930's, my sister is now sort of uppity, and I love to tell her that we were homeless before it was popular.
We were ! My Dad lost his job of 20 years, and we had to go to live with my grandmother who was not the loveyist person in the world. It was 4 or 5 years that our family was apart, but we got back together and lived a very happy and contented life. (my grandmother wouldn't let my Dad stay with us there in her house).
And there you are another side of the story.
C. N.