It is my opinion that you need to work towards curbing the behavior of self exploration, as I do not feel it is something a child should be doing so frequently that you are concerned about "constantly" washing her hands. It should be a behavior that is limited to a point where you aren't having to be constantly washing her hands, but also done in private and not a typcial part of the day where she is doing this behavior, going to do other things, and then doing it again where she is touching stuff...and I would also be concerned about the things she is touching because it isn't sanitary the other way around either. I have been a teacher for 2 year olds for 8 years and have worked with hundreds of children, I have dealt with self-exploration by explaining that needs to be done in private, but from my experience, it is NOT that common where I would tell myself it is normal to be doing it constantly. Children simply aren't doing it THAT often because throughout the course of the day, children should be involved and concerned with other play activities in the environment to keep their hands, bodies, and minds active. And as far as infection is concerned....the most unsanitary, bacteria infested materials are excreted from that area...I seriously doubt there is anything worse around the house that would cause infections other than her own urine and feces....I would be more worried about what your 6 week old can catch from HER dirty hands.