I have pretty much the same advice as the others. When a toddler turns two their growth slows down and they don't need to eat as much. All three of my kids did the exact same thing around the time they turn two. It's hard not to worry about your child's health, but children are very sensitive to our anxieties and react to it. At two kiddos are experimenting with independence and when we want them to do something they tend to do the opposite. With my kids I tried reverse psychology with a little bit of luck. At meal times I fixed a plate of little bits of food they liked (finger foods are great at this age). I just left the food on a plate on the table and didn't even offer it to them. I would sit down to eat at mealtime and they inevitably would wander over to check out what I was doing. They usually sampled what was on the plate I left for them. I would leave the plate there for awhile and they'd go play and come back to the food later. The more relaxed I've been about it, the more they've eaten! Another thing--they never ate a thing as long as they were tied down to a highchair--it's another experiment with independence. They loved the freedom of sitting at the table like big boys and girls. I had a booster seat they could sit in if they wanted but I gave them the option of sitting in a regular chair, which is rediculously large, but they love being like Mommy. Hope this helps. Good luck and try not to worry--she won't let herself be hungry. To a little child hunger is a very uncomfortable feeling. S.