This is what I would do, and I hope it works for you.
- Everyday at a certain time have silent reading time with your daughter. I would start with 5 minutes, and then go up to 15. Be firm and have her pick a book before you start- no switching books during the time. You read too as an example. Do not look over her shoulder, make her tell you about her reading, or make her actually read, she may just look at pictures to start with. By reading each day in front of her you show her that reading is fun and that you don't have to do a report or something. Reading magazines and comic books count, as well as the newspaper.
-check out an exciting book (a picture book that looks interesting) and put it somewhere obvious in the house. Tell her about it but don't read it to her, and don't let her have it. You don't have to be corny about it, just maybe mention, oh that's Froggy Learns to Swim, it's a funny book. Then after 5 days read it to her as a reward for something good she's done. It could just be making her bed.
-read to her every night before she goes to bed. Reading to her will do more to improve her reading than trying to get her to read because she will learn fluency and expression and new words from you.
By doing these things I think you will help her attitude change towards books. Eventually if she has the right attitude she will want to read and she will learn. There's no reason to hustle her along. She will learn to read and she shouldn't have to stress about school at such a young age!
I also recommend the Read Aloud Handbook, it's a good book. The author recommends these tips as well as getting a book lamp for your child's bed, and putting books around the house, in the bathroom, at the kitchen table, in the living room... Good luck!