Sometimes there are flat out - personality conflicts! This may be one of them. I don't think he has ADD. I think he just doesn't like this teacher and lies and wants to get out of doing anything related to this class.
HOWEVER, as a parent, one of the responsibilities if CONFLICT RESOLUTION! You need to talk about the fact there will be NUMEROUS times in life where we have to work with or deal with someone we don't like. THEREFORE, you need to remind him that it is NOT about him or her and that it's about doing his best, not wasting his time, REGARDLESS of his feelings for this teacher. He has to do what's BEST FOR HIM.
Shrugging his responsibilities and ticking off this teacher benefits NO ONE. If he buckles down and does the assignments, he may not have near as many conflicts and even decide he likes this teacher.
CHECK HOMEWORK and even sit down and do it with him if you have to. He needs to be able to be TRUSTED. This is a matter of INTEGRITY......DOING WHAT'S RIGHT, REGARDLESS of how he feels.
You CANNOT - there are too many of those out there as it is- go thru life acting on feelings. You learn to do what's right. PERIOD! It's about maturity and growing up. If he has to EARN trust from you and his be it.
Maybe you need to tighten up the reins, too. Obviously, there's an area between what happens in the classroom and at home that has a HUGE gap. Take the initiative to CLOSE that and help HIM to resolve it.
Try not to take SIDES. Again, it's about what is RIGHT. AS a former teacher, I dealt with these types of kids MANY times. I ALWAYS turned things on them to take responsbility regardless of any other issues and tried to show them consideration and respect while "forcing" them to grow and not rely on me to always give them to answers or to shirk their responsibility.
I remind them, that even though they may not think they need this info, it's required by the state and there is nothing I can do about that. OR...if they elected to take it, then it's THEIR responsibility to make the most of it.
Life is too short to waste time on irritating other people and wasting your own time when you could be learning and experiencing when you've got the opportunity. He may relize later on, that he needed this info to move on to something else.
When you don't take advantage of opportunity, someone else will. He needs to learn to be prepared rather than wish he would have. Then.......he has no one but himself to blame.
TEACH THEM TO THINK! In addition, I'd be taking away any and every extra activity that he's involved in or likes to do UNTIL he gets his priorities straight.
If he thinks he can hold a job with these kind of tactics, he's got a RUDE AWAKENING coming!