Is it possible that he is getting a gas pain? I would check with the doctor and make sure the medicine is still working for his tummy problems or maybe he needs something else to settle his stomach. If you say he is sound asleep and jumping up it sounds like he is getting a pain. Stomach gas can be very painful. I would try to cut out the night feedings because if he does have gas feeding him all night is only going to make him worse. Does he take a pacifier? I know they can be a pain but they saved me when my daughter was colicky. She would do the same thing at night and I could just give her the pacifier and she would go right back to sleep. Is he eating three meals a day? If he is eating enough during the day then he shouldn't need to feed at night. He is probably just using you to soothe himself back to sleep because he doesn't know how to do it on his own. I am not sure if you are open to letting him learn to self soothe but I did it when my daughter was a year old because I did not know what sleep was. I was a walking zombie so I was desperate. It is extremely difficult to listen to but it does work. It took three nights and she was sleeping through the night. I would just put her in her crib say night night, put music on and leave. I would go in every 5 to ten minutes lay her back down (because she was standing by that point) tell her night night and leave the room. She would scream louder but by going in I wanted to show her I didn't abandoned her. I would go in again after 5 minutes or so and just repeat the process until she went to sleep. The first night it went on for about 45 minutes (it was very difficult). The next night maybe 30 minutes, the third night 15 and night four no crying at all. I did it at naps as well so I could be consistent with sleep and it also did speed up the process. I know you are going to get mom's who tell you it is harmful or cruel and trust me it is not. My kids are now 24 and 19 and I did it with both of them. I also own a childcare center and have helped moms with sleep training hundreds of times. I think teaching our children to rely on themselves for comfort is the best gift you can give to them and to your family. Taking care of yourself is equally important. A well rested mommy is a happy and productive mommy. This of course is a personal decision that should be made by you and your husband together and it also depends on how desperate you are for sleep. Good luck I hope you get some rest soon!!!!