Don't let others' comments get you down - if you're pleased and proud, if your baby is healthy and happy, then don't worry.
You say he naps great? What's the routine there? Maybe apply that to the bedtime routine? Although I wasn't nursing, I did have to do a major switch in the bedtime routine at 12 months because we discontinued the use of the bottle. Our son was a great napper, too, so I would treat the bedtime routine like the nap routine - look for cues of tiredness or drowsiness (or if it was 6:30 PM - his bedtime), know that meant it was time to go to sleep, then take him upstairs and turn on his 'sleep' cd and put him down. It took maybe two days but he adjusted and was fine. You may even need to start the process earlier even while he is awake - start to lower the lights and get a little quieter, read books with him in your lap, more snuggling, cuddling - anything to slow him down.