My 1 Year Old Is Refusing to Eat

Updated on December 13, 2016
B.M. asks from Fishers, IN
6 answers

My son is normally a good eater, but recently has been going through "spells" where he refuses to eat. The last time he just turned around one day and started eating well again, but this time seems a little tougher to get him to eat. He is getting a new tooth right now so I'm thinking this could be part of the problem. I'm a dietitian so its driving me crazy watching him refuse food. Any tips or moms experience the same thing in general or when teething? Any advice?

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Kids go through growth spurts where they eat like crazy. Then in between them, sometimes they eat almost nothing. Totally normal. Don't make it into a power struggle by trying to make him eat. Your job is to put healthy food in front of him. If he eats it, great. If he doesn't, he's not hungry, so let it go. As long as you are not letting him fill up unhealthy stuff, just let it go.

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answers from Springfield on

First of all, please don't be afraid to call your doctor if you are concerned. The nurse can ask you questions to help determine whether this is just a normal thing (which is my guess) or something to be concerned about. Remember, they've been asked it all, so they will understand your concern and be there to help.

Toddlers are funny creatures. Some days it can seem like they survive on nothing but the air they breath. Other days it can seem like no amount of food is every going to be enough to satisfy their hunger. It's crazy, and I never found a pattern to it in my boys. I tried very hard to just offer healthy food and relax as they ate what they wanted and then were eager to go play again.

My best advice - keep offering food every couple of hours and try not to worry if he is not interested. Do make sure he gets plenty to drink, but try (and I do mean try because it is not always easy) to trust that he is listening to his body. His body will let him know when he's hungry. If he's not hungry, then he's not hungry. If you try to force him to eat when he's not hungry, he will learn to not listen to his body telling him he's not hungry, and that's not something you want. (That's a problem far too many adults, including myself, do not do well enough and I could definitely stand to lose a few pounds.)

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answers from Boston on

Well its hard to watch our kids not eat but seriously what'll happen if he doesn't eat anything for a day? As long as he's hydrated the answer is nothing will happen. Keep offering him food but don't make a big deal out of him not eating. If you honestly think his teething is causing problems try giving him tylenol which will take the pain out of his gums for a pretty good period of time and see if that helps.

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answers from Washington DC on

Welcome to mamapedia, B.!

Your son won't allow himself to starve.

He's teething. You said that yourself. Think about it - have you had a root canal or any dental work done? Do YOU want to eat after that? No.

STOP giving him a food complex. This is like "doctor, heal thyself". Do NOT pass food issues on to your son. If he's not eating? Fine. Ask him what he'd like to eat. Prepare meals for him. If he doesn't eat them? Fine. His body will NOT allow it to starve.

Good luck!

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answers from Portland on

Can't say mine ever refused to eat completely. So maybe his tooth really is bothering him. Sometimes the extra saliva they are swallowing can make them full (?) think I may have read that somewhere.

I always had go-to foods that my kids liked - and if that's all they ate that day, I was ok with it. Could you stick to offering whatever his favorite food is? You likely have tried that, I'm sure.

What about offering soft foods like yogurt or applesauce? Offering foods before drinks so he's not filling up on liquids.

If it continues, I agree with Gidget, just check with pediatrician. Sometimes when mine were coming down with something, they couldn't tell me but they'd change their habits enough for me to notice.

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answers from Washington DC on

do not battle your toddler over food.
offer him soft foods, smoothies, yogurt etc.
he will not starve himself.

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