When I took my 30 month old in for these pimples she had under her arm, that is exactly what they told me....they said sometimes if it get really bad they can use something on each individual one to kind of burn them off, but that is in scenerios where they are extremely bad. My daughters has lessened up in the past 3 months but still not gone--I especially this summer tried to keep the area clean & dry & when I knw she would be around other children I made sure it was covered (short sleeve shirt, so no other kids would pick it up (I guess its highly contagious, which is how she got it from her cousin). My oldest neice had it first (from school)we think, gave it to her sister & to her other cousin & then the sister who plays with my daughter gave it to her...pretty contagious pattern. I try and make sure my daughters underarm does not get into contact with anyone else so it doesnt spread further. My daughter & nephew have a very mild case, but my neice's doesnt seem to be going away & ironically thats where my daughter caught it. I am still waiting it out & it does look a lot better.