Mucus Plug or Something Else?

Updated on February 19, 2010
F.S. asks from Whiteland, IN
4 answers

hi heres my question i noticed this morning while wiping after urination i had some light brown some globs on the tissue (very little globs) so i called my doctor and left a message on the anwsering machine. Its been going on all day and has just recently turned into light brown and bright pink. Im 33 weeks. Ive been contracting since 29 weeks and was last checked for dialation at 30 weeks. I havent had sex in 5 days and its been longer then that since ive had a pelvic exam so do any of you have an idea of what this could be? mucus plug? im still waiting for the nurse to call back and ive left two messages. thanks for any input.

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answers from Cleveland on

It does sound like the mucus plug. But my question is why if you are having contractions aren't you being checked for dialation. I know they don't like doing it to early, but sometimes they need to check you.

If you got an answering machine - I would try calling them back. You need to be seen ASAP.



answers from Cleveland on

I had the same experience during both of my pregnancies for about the last 4 weeks. It was almost like heavy discharge. Sometimes it would be tinted a yellowish, brownish or orangish color. In my situation, when I was dehydrated it would turn the darker colors. I wouldn't worry too much unless it contains blood and it isn't from sexual intercourse.



answers from Honolulu on

Mine came out very early....around 29 weeks and I was concerned. The dr. said that if you aren't ready to deliver yet, your body will keep making more mucus plugs over and over until you are.

However, with your contractions I'd say you're probably right there and ready!! Good luck!!



answers from Dallas on

Sounds like it could be to me. I noticed mine when I first started contracting, I went to the RR and wiped just like you said. Its okay though no major harm just your body getting ready. Could it be possible your due date is wrong?

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