No need to stress out :) Im Canadian and moved to the States in 2000. For one, keep your items from here, and move them up there in a Uhaul. The price of everything up there is expensive compared to what you are used to seeing here. Also they have a sales tax that is 7%, if I remember right. Housing isnt that hard to find. Here is the website for the local newspaper, just need to look in the Classifieds for rentals... http://www.calgaryjournalonline.ca/ Health care is really simple. Call this place for the address in Calgary to get it set up.. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/reference/refcentre-centreref/in...
Make sure that your husband has all the proper paperwork needed for moving the family to canada from Immigration. There is an Immigration center in Edmonton, Alberta that you can get all that information... you will need passports for everyone including the children PRIOR to you leaving the States. For records for health care, dental, school etc, call those places for copies of their records. Thats good enough for when you go up to Canada. Laws for the cat require that he has all his vaccinations prior to leaving the states otherwise they will hold him in confinement for up to 2 weeks to make sure he isnt bringing anything into canada. Money exchange is I believe currently at 89.00Canadian per every 100.00usa.
Dont worry.. Canadians are truly very helpful, and will welcome everyone with open arms. Let me know if you need anything. I have family all over Alberta. :)