If she's not staying dry for the 2 hours between them taking her to the potty, she may not be physically ready to potty train yet.
My youngest was very interested in the potty around 22 months old, but he couldn't stay dry for more than an hour quite a bit of the time. We still kept encouraging him to use the potty, but I figured it wasn't worth putting him in regular underpants yet. We waited until he showed another strong interest in the potty and in wearing big boy undies around 28 months, and then, he really started to get the hang of it. He continued to have 1-5 accidents a week for several months, but he did very well overall. He's now 34 months and has maybe 1-2 accidents a week, usually when we're playing outside and he forgets that he needs to go. I also still remind him every couple hours or so (if he hasn't gone on his own), and I have him use the potty before naps, before bed, and before we leave the house. Oh, and he still wears a diaper to bed and wakes up wet about half the time.
It's very normal up until 3 years of age (or even 4) to have to ask them to stop and use the potty. Otherwise, by the time they realize that they have to go, they *really* have to go and can't make it to the potty in time.
Keep in mind that your daughter is not even 2 yet, and most kids don't usually potty train until 2 1/2, many not until 3. My oldest started training shortly after her 2nd b-day and was mostly done by her 3rd b-day (but wasn't night-trained until age 4). My middle child potty trained herself before she was 2 (by mimicking her sister), but I know very few other children who were fully trained by age 2. (She also continued to wet her diaper at night about half the time until she was 2 1/2.)
Potty training can be a very long and slow process. Just relax, and take things one day at a time.