Two months before my sons 3rd birthday I thought he was ready for his own bed and made the transition to a little boy bed. Before I made the switch he took his naps at home on the weekends like clock work. Down around noon and up around 2 or 2:30. He goes to a daycare preschool and it didn't effect him taking his naps there but it effected him napping at home. I went from having him nap on the weekends to getting up and having the freedom to move around his room instead of napping. It has been three months and its rare that he actually falls asleep now. I wish that I would have kept him in his crib until he got a little older. He never attempted to climb out but I think I should have waited. He knows that there are rules while he naps like not getting up, playing with his toys, etc. It just hasn't been the same and he gets over tired when he doesn't take his nap.
You may or may not have a problem with his naps like I did. It is something to think about. My son did have his nights of falling out of his bed and waking himself up. For the first few weeks I laid a pillow next to his bed just in case.
good luck
Im a single mom and work full-time with an amazing little 3 yr old boy.