Yep, I can also agree with the other post that they never clean. I have been married 9 years and have known him 17 years. I work full-time, have three kids under 5 and I do everything. I hate clutter and anything out of place. I have gotten more relaxed with the clutter because what do you do with three kids. Every inch of the walls around every room seems consumed with some type jumper, bouncer, toybox, baby highchairs, strollers, etc. I am reading a book called "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura and it has really opened my eyes on the way men are and how all they want is to be appreciated, accepted, approved of from their wives. We get so wrapped up in our everyday lives just trying to get through a day, we forget about the husband and his needs. My husband and I fell into a very deep place just this past January when I went back to work after the third child. It was hard, very hard. It was taking every ounce of me to get up at 5:30am to go to work until 3:30-4:00, pick up kids from school, home, everyone is hungry, cleaning, I would put all kids to sleep and all I could do was practically crawl to bed. I couldn't even put a sentence together I was so tired. I had no energy for my husband. He felt it and let me know it one day when he had had enough from a fight we had. He said he didn't feel like I loved him anymore (which I thought by doing all this stuff from kids, laundry, to dishes showed my love for him), that he didn't feel appreciated anymore and that we need to talk that evening about our relationship and where we are going. WOW, what a slap in the face this was, but I had been listening to Dr. Laura and although I don't agree on everything she says, I do on a lot of things and she said it was the little things that will make your man notice that appreciation. How things have changed. By just calling/texting him a few times a day just to say Hi, I say thank you a lot, give him hugs first when I get home (even though I have kids hanging on my legs), make a point to listen to him have made a huge difference. He helps out more without me having to ask. It is not so much in the cleaning area but in other ways like watching the kids more while I go to the store by myself or time for me, which I never used to get. It is amazing the calmness in our house these days. Just knowing that you are a happy person, makes him happy. All I can say we have many blessings in our home and we are both the happiest we have been in a very long time. The mess is not so bad anymore and I don't look at it as me doing all this and he is not. We are happy and that is all that matters. God bless!