Well, she is high maintenance and is coddled, by her sons.
And her sons, don't mind.
That is their habit.
But your Husband is now a Husband. Not mama's boy.
He has to realize that.
what about YOUR family/Mom/Dad???? Could they come over more, if they live near you? Thereby, de-throning your MIL????
The thing is, you are not doing anything wrong. But MIL has an attitude of entitlement... and feels she HAS TO be treated as Royalty.
AND it is causing problems.
She won't change.
But your Husband can maybe grow up.... HE has to be the one, to come to terms with it.
I would also, make YOUR family/Mom/Dad/Siblings... a focus too. They ALL need to realize... that there are others involved.... that MIL is NOT the only one.
Ultimately, your MIL is toxic and is damaging your own nuclear family and marriage.
And I think... your MIL would be happy, if you get a divorce. Because, she cannot let go, of her sons. Which is pathetic.
Can't you talk to your Dad????? Maybe he can put her in her place.
And yes, your Husband has no back bone... he is a baby. He is NOT being a "Husband".... but still, going by his Mommy's wishes.
I am so sorry.
I don't know of any magic solutions.
Because, ultimately, your HUSBAND has to stop it....
MIL will continue to act that way.
Will your Husband go to Counseling?
all the best,