I have a Kindergartner & 3rd grader. I don't think anyone has smooth mornings all the time. Ours go pretty well, though, and the 3rd grader has ADHD which is challenging to get anywhere on time.
The night before, I have their clothes & shoes laid out on the end of their beds. Back packs or book bags with completed, signed homework assignments are zipped up & sitting by the door ready to go. Lunches are completely packed & sitting on a shelf in the refrigerator. Breakfast dishes are laid out on the table, the toaster is put on the cupboard, along with the loaf of bread & butter knife. Instant oatmeal packages (including a measuring cup) or boxed breakfast cereal are sitting on the table. The girls pony tail bands & hair ribbons are set out beside her brush & comb by the bathroom sink. Toothbrushes & toothpaste are laid out beside the bathroom sink. Jackets, coats, mittens, boots, are sitting on the floor by the front door. ALL of this is done the night before - every night!
I'm a firm believer in letting children make their own choices and being responsible for themselves, but when I'm the one that has to see that they get to the bus on time, I make ALL of those choices. This is our routine and they both accept it and rarely challenge my choices. They don't get asked what they want to wear, eat for breakfast or lunch. I choose and provide something different for them to wear and eat (breakfast & packed school lunch) every day. They like the variety and like my choices.
Once they get home from school, everything changes. They choose and fix their own after school snacks. They must do their homework before TV or friends, but after that's done they have complete decision making choices (including what they want for supper), until bedtime (8:30 p.m.). They often have friends over or they play at friends houses until supper time.
During the day while they are at school I often take care of many of the things I listed above, in preparation for the next day so that I have time to spend with the children in the evening. I read to them every night before bedtime - we're currently reading "The Little House on the Prairie" series and they both can hardly wait to climb into bed to hear the next chapter. Yes, some nights they are tired, cranky, irritable, and fight with each other over anything and everything - including going to bed. If I've given them 1-2 warnings about getting teeth brushed, P.J.'s on, etc., and they are still fooling around, I loudly announce that I'm starting to read the next chapter of Little House on the Prairie, and I start reading out loud even if no one is there but myself, and they usually start flying to get done and come running as fast as possible so as not to miss out on what I am reading.
For those of you who feel that your children MUST be allowed to make all of these choices (above) themselves, you can still ask them or have them do it all the night before (i.e., choosing their clothes, putting book bags, coats, etc., by the front door, etc.).
For my sanity & as a time saver, I choose to make those decisions and do them myself - but only when they are in school. Weekends & summer vacations are an entirely different matter. I realize that as they get older they will balk at my decisions & choosing to do these things myself on school nights, but until then, this is what works for me. It worked well last year and so far this year. Consistency is the key to success with doing it this way, though. If you're too tired to do it some nights and let "Susie" decide in the morning what she wants to wear, eat for breakfast, lunch, etc., then Susie will balk and give you a tough time on "your decision" days, also.
We have a rule at our house that NO toys of any type or size, go to school or get played with on the bus. If they don't have reading assignments they can do on the bus, I stick an extra book in their back pack for them to read if they get bored.
Strangely, the 3rd grade ADHD child (boy) is more compliant in general than the Kindergarten girl, who is strong willed.
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