For me personally, it was a lifesaver. I found a well-established, fairly large MOPS group soon after we had moved to a new town. I was mom of a 2 y.o. and pregnant with my second. It was lovely to be in the company of a group of women who were in the same stage of their lives. When you're the mom of a toddler in a new place, it can be hard to meet people. Yes, it is a Christian group, and our chapter had a wide range within that category - mainline protestant, Catholic, charismatic, non-denominational, and unchurched. There is some Bible study and prayer involved in our monthly meetings, and for those who wanted more of that, we had groups that met on their own. We also had some serious crafters who met on their own for scrapbooking and such. Some participated in moms' nights out. We often met between our regular meeting for playdates. I ran a kids' storytime and reading readiness group for interested moms and their kids. I enjoyed my time as a MOPS member, and am grateful for the group and the friendships I grew there.