Take a pregnancy test.
If you're not comfortable with that, see your ob and have them do a blood test.
Either way, you'll get an accurate answer other than anecdotal evidence.
I have Fibromyalgia and Chronic Migraines and do to pain my mood would swing. As part of my regular bunch of pills, I am on anti-depressants to stabilize my moods. Well about two month ago, my moods suddenly were not under control. I started to have panic attacks which I never had before EVER. My fibromyalgia is under control due to treatments with Lidocaine, and my migraines are suddenly and rapidly spiraling out of control as well.
With my first pregnancy, I remember my migraines spiralling out of control and my moods were all over. However, back then my Fibromyalgia wasn't under control.
I am at a loss as to why my mood stabilizers which worked perfectly until a few months ago. Switching to a different stabilizer has done nothing and I normally will react to them in some manner. In the past, when a mood stabilizer stopped being effective I would get very depressed which isn't the case.
I am more tired than normal even though I not having pain like I used to with the fibromyalgia. My mother and I are starting to think that it may be that I am pregnant again. Especially since my period last month was shorter and less heavy than normal. I don't expect my next period for a few days yet. I plan to test if I am late.
I really could use some outside opinions on this. What do you all think?
I waited until my period was definitely late to take the HPT. It was negative, but am going to my doctors to talk more about the medicines, since they are still not working. I finally got my period today.
Take a pregnancy test.
If you're not comfortable with that, see your ob and have them do a blood test.
Either way, you'll get an accurate answer other than anecdotal evidence.
You can always take a pregnancy test. But I would be very careful about what you are taking while pregnant. Often pregnancy will cause the headaches to go away due to hormonal changes.
I used to have issues with panic attacks. There are many behavioral therapies that can really help and get you to be not dependent on medication
I have a friend with fibromyalgia who is seeing a naturapath that seems to be helping her... dietary changes and such.
Have you considered this or accupuncture or chiropractic? Many insurance companies do cover these alternative medicines and they can really work.
A.: I agree to get tested as well. Have you been or were you on the pill by any chance? All of your "symptoms" seem to be the cause of Hormone imbalance - meaning an over abundance of estrogen. My heart feels for you having to take all those medications. Doctors literally treat just the symptoms and do not get to the root of the problem, which in your case, really sounds like hormone imbalance. To get your hormones tested, please ask for a saliva test. This is THE BEST way to find out your levels of progesterone. Hormone imbalance is the cause to all of your symptoms, believe it or not. Much research has been done on this and instead of taking so many medications, especially if you are pregnant, you need to focus on the cause. I would love to tell you more about this if you wish to go over it in more detail, but do listen to your body and get yourself checked out! Congrats on your upcoming marriage. Stress has a lot to do with this as well! Take care of yourself and first determine if you are pregnant, then seek help. Hormone balancing cremes are available to you and the best ones are natural, NOT synthetic. Best of luck to you and please feel free to contact me with any questions. :>)
Definitely take a test. You don't have to wait until your period is due....you can take one now. Nothing anyone says will set your mind at ease until you take a test. Good luck!
I took Zoloft while I was pregnant with my daughter, and she was born with congenital heart defects. If you can, take NOTHING. Not the news you'd like to hear, but I wish someone warned me of the possible effects in advance. Hope this helps. Good luck!
I would recommend staying away from drugs in case you are pregnant and definitely seeing a chiropractor. My husband is one and I would be more than happy to give you his contact information. You have some health issues that can be treated naturally, without drugs, and thus get your whole body back on track.