My husband and I did premarital counselling, and it was great! Over the course of several weeks, we met with an older couple that had been married for 25 years. We talked about our living habits, expectations, goals, childhood, finances, sex, moral/faith stances, parenting views, our disagreements, our past relationships, pornography, what makes us feel loved, what marriage meant to each of us, what we liked/didn't like about each other, etc.
Of course, we had already talked about most of that stuff before premarital counselling, but it was nice to address difficult topics with an older couple who could offer an outside view and advice from experience.
We have been married 8 years now, and it's better than ever! We agree on most issues, but when we don't agree we are able to compromise.
I think that if more people put the money and time into preparing for marriage that they put into preparing for their wedding, marriages would be stronger and last longer.
I don't think living together before marriage makes a marriage any stronger. I remember my college sociology professor saying that couples that live together prior to marriage have higher divorce rates. Since that class, I've read several studies that back up his statements.
I also have to vouch for Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course. His money advice is solid and practical. His course has helped many couples get on the same page with finances, establish good habits, and get out of debt.