Oh, I have been there...I had a sonogram that ended up being at five weeks (I wasn't sure if I was five weeks or nine weeks and was trying to determine the age of the pregnancy) that revealed that I had conceived twins. There were two sacs and one appeared completely empty and the other had fetal material in it, but no heartbeat. I was convinced that the empty sac was a vanishing twin because I had a little bleeding too, and I was very concerned about the other child as well. They took a blood test and found high hormone levels, but said that they could not say anything positive until I had another sonogram. So I scheduled one for the next week to be closer to the end of the six week point because I had read that sometimes a heartbeat doesn't show up until seven weeks. That day I couldn't even look at the sonogram screen at first, I was so nervous. But there they were, the two sacs were still there and this time they both had fetal material and they both had heartbeats! It is funny because everyone asks me about the moment I found out I was having twins like they are expecting to hear about some kind of freaking out session. Really it was one of the most amazing and happy moments of my life because I assumed from the first sonogram that I had already lost the second baby and I had no faith in "the empty sac," and her presence was like a little miracle.
But one thing I learned...even in this day and age there are limits to sonogram technology and if have one too early you can cause yourself some completely unneeded stress and anxiety. I am hoping for the best for you! Please let us know.