Moms, What Do You Think? Really Thirsty Toddler

Updated on June 22, 2010
S.R. asks from Edinburg, TX
8 answers

My toddler drinks a LOT of water, really a LOT, we've spoken to our doctor, and we've have several blood tests done, but I still don't think that the amount of liquids my baby is consuming is normal. Also the way he drinks it, its like he hasnt had water for hours, he acts really, really thirsty all the time,
The weather where we live is really hot and dry, and I understand the need to be hydrated, but even so, I still think he is drinking way too much. Please help, what do you think?

Thank you for your responses all his blood work came back normal, and yes he eats well and is very active he's got PDD-NOS and ADHD

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So What Happened?

Thank You all for your responses, we tested him again for diabetes and all came back normal, also, since he is on medication for ADHD we think it might be that or just a sensory thing like you guys suggested, and we decided we will monitor his liquids anyway and since he is eating and gaining weight and being very active as he should we shouldnt worry about it so much. Thanks again for all your support.

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answers from Seattle on

Ditto... if he's on meds for adhd... they make a person REALLY thirsty. When I was on meds as an adult in cold weather I drank at least a gallon or more of water a day. In hot weather... 3x that.

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answers from Phoenix on

i just asked a similar question, my baby boy is thirsty to. i give him water all day. even while he playing between eating. hes so thirsty. its hot in phoenix so i understand. i think its ok.

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answers from Johnstown on

Is your little guy eating as well as drinking, or is he drinking because he's hungry? My niece will drink constantly and not eat. Also, juices may help add to the thrist factor, so make sure he gets mostly water. Remember to limit his salt intake and check the sodium levels in his food as well. The best of luck to you!

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answers from Chicago on

What is your definition of too much?
My DS (2) drinks water all day long. It's all I give him, no juice or anything like that. He averages 5-6 sippy cups of water through the day, and tends to chug it when he drinks.
If you don't have a family history of diabetes, I wouldn't worry about it.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I am curious if he is on any medication? That could explain the "thirsties." If not, as long as his labs are fine, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I would also wonder about sensory issues - one of my kiddos has ADHD and PDD-NOS as well as sensory issues and he loves the feel of water going down his throat (it can't be cold though - room temp is how he likes it).

Good luck!

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answers from San Antonio on

I assume the blood tests came back normal?

I don't think he would drink so much if he didn't need it.

Pay attention to the water he drinks, if he's getting so much. Does it have flouride? Does it have minerals? Is he getting too much of that mineral or flouride?

What does he do with milk and juice? Maybe it seems like he's getting too much water, but if he's getting very little milk, then it may be that he's getting just the right amount of liquids each day.

Be glad he wants water and not juice. At least water can't rot his teeth, but do check in to the quality of the water he's drinking. I know there are water tests out there.

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answers from Killeen on

Is he urinating normally? Is he eating normally? Does he have a high salt or high sugar diet? Does he run around a lot or is he lethargic? Is he overweight? Is there a family history of diabetes?
There are way too many questions to cover here! So many factors to consider, so many reasons it could be perfectly normal or an indicator of something wrong. Keep going back to your dr. until you feel they have given you a good answer. Trust your gut, even if it turns out to be nothing!

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answers from Austin on

Is he really active? Could be his body needs it. I am very warm natured and I drink a tremendous amount of water. I am also addicted to ice.. It is hot Edinberg, it was already a 102 yesterday in Austin! Lord help us..

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