Moms' in the Fort Worth/ Saginaw Area

Updated on September 22, 2008
J.W. asks from Port Saint Lucie, FL
4 answers

Looking to branch out....Have been in the area for 3 years and a stay at home mom...searching to meet moms with same issues...hahahaha....Right places to go with the kids, activities, mommy time....thing like that...Thanks

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answers from Oklahoma City on

Hey, I live in Saginaw. I'm part of a WONDERFUL mom's group. Here's our website:



answers from Dallas on

Hi J. W. I know a great spot cheaper than chucky cheese it is called incredible pizza.



answers from Dallas on

Hi! I organize a group primarily for working moms, but we have lots of SAHMs too. We do a lot of mom nights, a couples night once in a while, have a couple daytime activities during the week, and do family activities on the weekend. Our members extend from Haslet to Southlake! Please check us out at

Good luck with finding the right group - there are some great ones in the area! You can search on or even google. There's a Moms Club group in Keller that has a lot of members - just do a google search for them and input your zip code or city



answers from Dallas on

Very seldom do I log on to my Mamasource but for some reason I did this morning. I'm glad I did! I read your posting and just wanted to introduce myself. My name is J. Taylor and our family has lived in the Saginaw area for the last 23 years. We also have 3 beautiful children! Our son went to school in the EMS ISD all his years growing up and is now at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. Our second child, Brittany, just left to attend HSU in Abilene. We have one left, Breana, and she is a freshmen at Boswell High School. I have been a substitute teacher in the district for many years. My husband is a pastor and we have been serving in our church for 23 years and reaching out to many people, young and old, for a long time. I work with our Jr high and High school students and also with the women's ministry. Tonight we are having a Ladie's fellowship to play Bunco from 6:30 to 8:30. I would love for you to come as my guest! It's a great way to meet other moms of preschoolers as well!
You can check out our church site at
Or contact me via email at

God bless and have a great day!


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