My best decisions were:
To teach my children from a young age to clean up after themselves and to have chores and responsibilites.
To not use time outs. They don't work. Hold your children accountable and be consistent with punishing disobedience. If you don't it will rear its ugly head later. Its easier to start out more strict and losen up as they get older, than to start out loose and then try to be more strict. That doesn't work! (book: Shepherding a Child's Heart")
Spend less time cleaning and more time hugging. Time flies and then they dont want to hug or sit on your lap anymore.All they want to do is borrow the car )0:
Spend twice as much time praising or finding things they did right, than what they did wrong. Tell them they are what you want them to become- and they WILL live up to it. DON'T name call- they will become what you label them as.
Pray for them , out loud, in front of them, so they see that you are their advocate and on their side. Keep God in the picture. Moral values are GOOD for familes. If they weren't, God wouldn't have suggested them in
the first place.
Teach them to forgive, not because they HAVE to, but out of apreciation that they themselves have been forgiven, and so they can turn around and be as grace filled with others.
The Bible has EVERY good tip about raising children that you can imagine in it. Gods instructions for you. You cannot go wrong by following it. Following social/societal/secular ideas does NOT bring blessing.