J., I feel that if you start to co-sleep with her, you are just asking for another problem for later when you want her in her own bed. I don't understand why all these moms do that, but you need to let her learn to self soothe so she will be a more independent and secure child. You should always let her know that you are there, but just to check on her and tell her she's alright. If she always needs mom to make her feel secure, when will you be able to leave her when you need to? My kids were great at going to bed when they were babies, but I did spend a lot of before time with them. If she still needs to suck, she will find her thumb eventually. As other training,it may take some time, but be consistant. She should be sleeping through the night and so should you. If she wakes up for awhile longer, give her something else, like drink from a cup or just pat her back for awhile. If she is getting solids in the evening then she shouldn't be hungry. Cereal will definately help her sleep through the night.