You never turn off the mommy in you. You just have to teach the mommy in you how to have a healthy, balanced relationship and life with the baby. You will not be emotionally destroying your child if you take a break from him or her. Imagine being an 'attachment spouse' - where your husband was all over you 24-7. Do you ever feel like you need/want a break from him? Do you think he would ever need/want a break from you? Absolutely! And, it isn't because you want to abandon your husband or are do it because you also want to take care of your own needs and wants, and to be happy.
I remember the first time we left our son with a babysitter (grandma). I knew she was perfectly capable of keeping things under control but I worried - oh did I worry! I checked the cell phone, kept seeing what time it was on my watch and counting down how much time was left in the movie, you name it I did it. But when we got home, the baby was asleep and he and grandma got along just fine! And, I got some time with my husband to not have to constantly think baby, baby, baby, 24-7.
As far as your husband - the best way to handle this is to relinquish control and let him take care of the baby on his own terms. Start by handing over the baby and leaving the room to do laundry or cook or just read a book in the bathtub. Set a timer for 10 minutes and do not go back in, even if she is crying. Your husband might have a different way of playing with her, soothing her, handling the situation and you know what? That's okay! As long as he isn't being abusive or clueless, your baby will be fine AND the two of them get some much-needed one-on-one time that will be valuable for her growth and development. Furthermore, his confidence in being an active parent will grow, further strengthening the bond between him and the baby and also the two of you.
Start by literally blocking out ten minutes where you go to another part of the house or, better yet, leave the house and leave him in charge. Your baby will be fine and so will you!