One thing I found happening with my newly turned 9 year old is that the cuddle time and hugging seemed to be lessening. I think part of me worried he thought he was too big for it especially since sometimes his hugs were limp like he didn't want to "be there". Not that long ago though I began to think like you...just because they are growing up doesn't mean that we can't stay close. I WANT to continue being affectionate to my children and I want them to know they can always talk to me. So I have begun hugging him a lot more again like when he was little and I tell him things he did that day that I was proud of him for and then verbalized that I loved him and was proud of him. Know what he did? He has begun coming up to me and hugging ME on his own...real hugs and hugs that HE doesn't seem to want to let go of sometimes. I LOVE IT!! I also tell him how I will always be there for him and that he can talk to me about anything. He's pretty open with me so I am thankful for that and I want to make sure it stays that way.
Oh, like someone else mentioned, we play a video game every night together as a family. Some people have a weekly board game night. We play every single night and we made it especially fun because we take turns. Daddy picks the game one night, Mommy the next, biggest brother the next, etc. Whoever picks the game picks everything about it, maps, colors, whatever. They also get to use a special controller...most are white but we have a red one and that is the "special" one. I worried doing this would create fights but it doesn't!! They get so excited about it and seeing what everyone is going to pick and they like knowing that on their night, we are going to do whatever they way. :)
I think it's great you are thinking about this too. I think too often we take things for granted or don't think about the future and then before we know it, we are wondering "how we got here".
BTW, THANK YOU for the ideas you gave me. :) I look forward to warmer weather so I can have an outing with them on a school day. :D