Mom Seeking Pedi Denist

Updated on May 22, 2007
T.E. asks from Shreveport, LA
4 answers

I am seeking a Ped Denist for my 3 year old before she ges to preeschool in September I have Medicad for her so I was looking for a good denist

Thanks T.

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answers from Shreveport on

Dr. Chumley on Bert Kouns # ###-###-####
Casse on E kings ####-###-####
I use Davenport on Martin Luther Kings Dr. ###-###-#### she is real good
Dr. Lester on Hollywood # ###-###-####

I hope this will help!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Shreveport on

hey u can call the medicade hotline and they can give u a list of ped denist in your area



answers from Shreveport on

Hi T.. I take me children to Dr. Eric LeBlanc on Benton Road. I have a two year old (that went when he was 2 1/2) and a ten year old. They have a wonderful staff and they are great with my children.



answers from Anchorage on

Dr. Eric LeBlanc on Benton road is excellent. We took our 19 month old there for a minor dental emergency and they were wonderful. Some of my friends go to Dr. Hooper. I think he is on Airline. I know they really like him, but he may be geared for slightly older kids. I'm not sure on that. I also don't know what type of insurance they accept, but they would definitly be worth a call.

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