If he signed the birth certificate, or if he is named the father on the birth certificate form (of which needs only to be signed by one parent) he legally assumed the responsibility. He can petition the court to have DNA tests done and how the child looks has no bearing, unless both of your are chinese and the baby is white, you get what I mean. Until you get the tests done, no one can help you.....And your husband should have thought about all that.....Honestly though, you cannot think because you are married that your chldren are any more important than hers are and she must do what she can to make sure her children are provided for and the courts can do this - what if the tables were turned, it could of been you.....You apparently know one of them is his and you had to of known he should be financially responsible and should be a father to that child just like he is to your seven, shouldn't he? You seem to be defending him and almost protecting him by way of your comments, I'm actually kind of surprised, how do you know what he has or hasn't done if this happened not once but twice, you know the first one is his so to say that he didn't sign anything claiming to be the father is absurd, come on now Danielle, apparently you are in denial and the only thing you could possible do to help him is to get everything straightened out so that you know where you all stand legally and you are morally obligated to your children ensure that their father does right by all his children so help him get this straightened out and maybe you should consider re-evaluating your position in this relationship. I know it's not what you want to hear, but here we offer the most pratical advice.....
I do hope it works out for you though, I really do and I'll say a prayer for you!
Be strong.....and by the way if for some reason you find out that he did have his signature on the birth certificate, he has committed adultry (even if he didn't), if his name is on either or both of those birth certificates, it can be submitted in a court of law, just so you know, in case you need it.....