I never warmed my kids bottles. I served them at room temp from day 1. Sure made life easier.
My daughter is 4 months old and my husband insists on continuing to warm her bottles. I don't really have a problem with this because I understand both sides. She likes it better but what if you are out and about and don't have access to a warmer, etc.? I notice she seems to spit up a lot more when it is warmed in the warmer vs. other methods. I think it is too warm at times. When is a good time to stop warming the bottles?? Any advice?
I never warmed my kids bottles. I served them at room temp from day 1. Sure made life easier.
I'm right there with Tina, I never warmed the bottles either. So any time you want to stop is fine. There is no reason, other then the preference baby has developed, to warm them at all.
I'm with Tina on this one. My son was born in June and we never warmed bottles. It made things easier and we were all happy.
We have slowed up on the warming too - my daughter is about 6 months old now and she doesn't seem to care one way or another. We use luke-warm tap water, and it's not as warm as when we heated it on the stove. When we go out, I use one of those cheap can cozy things over the bottle just to keep it from getting cold. My daughter has never seemed to mind. With regard to the spitting up, we put a couple drops of Mylicon in each bottle and it has made a world of difference. She used to spit up after every bottle and now it's a rare occasion that she does. Hope that helps.
We do both. In hot weather, we usually don't warm it much. Sometimes it's even cold. DS is 10 months this weekend. I guess if she doesn't mind the cold versions, I'd give her some cold too. Oh, I'm breastfeeding for the most part but I work, so he gets bottles when I'm at work and on occasion we supplement with formula. I'm not sure if that makes a difference.
Hello, I stopped warming my sons bottle at about 2 months old. If you warm it for 10 sec, just step down slowly with each bottle. My son was perfectly fine with that. Hope this helps.