My son went through this too at 2 yrs. old. I used to take it so seriously if he deviated slightly from the routine we established with regards to nap-time and sleep time. Now that he's 3.5 yrs old, I realize that children go through so many developmental changes on a daily basis that I could not possible hold him to being a "creature of habit" forever. I relaize now that children, esp. toddlers, go through "phases" where they won't want to nap at all and then they fall back into it. I say I used to take it so seriously as his nap time used to be the time when I could catch up on housework, pay bills, take a mini-nap myself and so I would get a bit panicked if I felt I couldn't have that time to do what I needed to do. Now, having come full-circle onthe issue, if it doesn't happen after trying to my best to get him to take a nap, I just realize that he's not tired for whatever reason and ask him to play quietly in his room with some toys or books. Once my husband gets home from work, I let him know our son didn't sleep and ask if he'd take over and play with him for an hour or so so I can de-stress and catch up on what I originally wanted to do...Then, the upside to this is that my son gets 1-on-1 time with his dad and it usually means an early-to-bed night for him too...In the end, I now know that children go through phases and we have to be willing to be somewhat flexible while trying to maintain routines and create positive rituals for our children without stressing out over it or punishing the child for not being tired or for having a bit more energy than yesterday...Be flexible and "creative" at these times. You could also try incentives like "we'll do arts-and-crafts" or some sort of fun project if you take your nap. Hope this helps!