I think you should switch her to a sippy cup. She should not need a bottle anymore at this age no mater what the circumstances are. Try to keep only water in the sippy so she does not need to wake you up to get more in the night. Don't give in. She may fuss a lot the first night but as soon as she knows that is all she is going to get she will be fine.
You could try taking the paci and bottle away at the same time. Take them away and baybe replace them with a new stuffed animal or special blanket. My daughter has a leap frog puppy that she sleeps with. It will sing to her and you can program her name into it.
TV till that late is only going to stimulate her longer. She will stay up till she is exausted because it is still on. I would shut it off at 7 and try a soothing bath and some books to get her to bed earlier. At 2 1/2 she need more sleep at night. Take the tv out of her room if you can so you can't give in the the requests.
They understand more than you give them credit for. The longer she asks and you give it to her she will still want it. It is up to you to take it away. Tell her they are all going to the other babies that need them. Put them all in a bag and get rid of them so you are not tempted to give it back. You could take them and trade them in at a store for a new toy or books for bed time.
Changes are tough but if you stay consisted even when her dad comes home you will do great!!