it happens. happily we are weaning my son off his paci's now, but when that happened to us, i would just buy new if they seemed to be unclean. head over to the store.....
Anyone experience mold or dirt in pacifiers? I wish my daughter liked the Soothie (made from one continuous piece.) The Gerber nuk is a little easier to squeeze water out of than the Sassy Mam. Occasionally I rinse them, never immerse. One humid day I was horrified to find yesterdays pacifier with black mold inside. And do you think the little crevices near where the silicone attaches get bacteria filled?
it happens. happily we are weaning my son off his paci's now, but when that happened to us, i would just buy new if they seemed to be unclean. head over to the store.....
hi M.;
my 17 mo old uses her paci for sleeping and nap and my 3 yr old just gave his up in janruary. but what i did to keep them clean was basically to boil them every couple of days and buy new ones constantly. i never keep pacis longer than about 2 months. it does get expensive but it's the only way to be sure they are not gross.
Go for the previous mom's suggestion of vinegar. I re-boiled mine semi-regularly. Unfortunately, as a busy mom with a little baby, trying to multitask too many things, I got distracted...and melted all of his pacifiers, destroying a good pot in the process. It did successfully wean him off the pacifiers, but what a waste!
Hi M.!
I was told to soak pacifiers once a week in a solution of one part white vinegar to one part water. Do that for about an hour, then rinse them off in really hot water and air dry. That takes care of any mold or fungus (yep, fungus!!). I do this for my baby's and it gives me some peace of mind.