Hi L.,
You should get the full name of the drug and look it up online. Look at "side etfects" and "clinical trials" also rare side effects.
If it were me i would let my body finish it's work. I had a miscarriage when the baby was 7 weeks, and it took care of itself. You will most likely bleed a little more as you have more tissue because they were twins. I had a full term pregnancy after that, and then another miscarriage. I had a full term pregnancy the month after my second miscarriage!
If i had taken any medications to induce uterine contractions- I think there could have been a possibility that the pregnancy would have never implanted or if he had, he would have been expelled. Who knows how long those drugs hang out inside your body.
I did look up Misoprostol, one of the drugs they use for inducing uterine contractions. Heres what this kind of drug said about itself:
*80% of radioactivity in the urine after taking it orally.
*inhibits gastric acid secretretion (gastric acid helps us digest our food and keeps infections out of our gi tract, reducing it opens up the gi tract like a target to infection.)
* post menopausal bleeding
* hyperstimulation of uterus which can lead to tetany and impairment, impairment of blood flow, uterine rupture, SEVERE BLEEDING, shock, or death.
* Produced pre and post implantation losses in mice,..findings represent possibility of general ADVERSE AFFECT ON FERTILITY in females (and males who take this drug for ulcers).
ALL drugs have side effects and react in and on the body in numerous ways. More people die from drugs given out by doctors than all illegal street drugs combined.
See if your body can do it by itself. Give it a little time. After you stop bleeding, just watch for signs of infection ( bad smell, discharge) but i'm sure you will be ok.