I am 30 years old and have a 6 year old, a 5 year old and a 6 month old. I have tried the nuva-ring...completely hated it!...also have tried several different pills over the years. All with really bad side effects b/c I am very sensitive to the hormones on all of the above. I had the mirena inserted back in Novemeber right after my 6 week postpartem checkup. I have had no problems what so ever. My obgyn had suggested this to me because of the extremely low hormone level. With the pill my blood pressure went up and I had weight gain. My doctor said that these were not side effects of the mirena and it would only effect from the uterus down. She said that your period would eventually lighten and may even go away all together. I wouldn't know since I am breastfeeding so I haven't gotten a period yet and my son is 6 months old.
Now on the other hand...when it is inserted...it is about the worst cramp you may ever feel but it only lasts for a couple of minutes. My doctor wanted to do it while I was on period because apparently it is less painful and goes in easier but since I am breastfeeding and they didn't know when I would get a period they went ahead and did it. Afterwards, I had a semi-period for only 5 days from the insertion and then nothign since.
I would definitely suggest trying this as most insurances cover it and overall it is supposed to have a lot less side-effects than the pill. Since you are not paying for the pill every month..it is also much cheaper. Just my opinion. Good luck.