My sis hated her Mirena, and had it removed after a year. She was terrified too, but said if the pain of insertion was a 10, the removal was like a 2 or 3
I talked about my mirena a few weeks ago, but now that I go next Wednesday to get it removed I am REALLY extremely nervous. It hurt so bad getting it put in so now I'm so fearful that it's going to be the same excruciating pain as the insertion. I've had it in for 3 years & all I can think about is "what if it's embedded?" "What if they can't find the strings?" I'm going crazy thinking about it & just so scared. Does anyone have any advice??
My sis hated her Mirena, and had it removed after a year. She was terrified too, but said if the pain of insertion was a 10, the removal was like a 2 or 3
I had mine in for a year and a half before we decided to conceive baby #2 and when I had it put in I also experienced much pain because of the way my uterus tips back. However, when I had it removed it was like nothing. It took only seconds and I don't remember feeling anything at all! No need to stress yourself out, the removal is much easier than getting it put in, in my opinion. Just relax ;)
Mine hurt very badly as well when it went in, and it was a breeze to come out. Because of the hormones it doesn't get embedded. You will be amazed at how easy it is! I also had mine for over 3 years. Don't worry!
take some ibuprofen beforehand if your are nervous, but really, the removal was a piece of cake and pain free.
Try not to worry - point being you're getting it out for a reason, so no matter what, you're going to go through with it. But my sister just had hers removed last week and said it was a breeze. That seems to be the majority opinion of the posts you've received, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Take motrin about 20 minutes before the procedure.
When I had mine removed it was nothing like having it put in. I really didn't even feel a thing....you should be fine!! I had mine for 3 or 4 years when I had it removed.
Well, my insertion was only a bit uncomfortable, so maybe I'm not the right person to answer, but my removal wasn't even uncomfortable (aside from the standard speculum awkwardness, lol). So I'd call that less painful than insertion.
CONGRATS on getting it taken out, I hated that thing!
When I had mine removed, the doc was down there for about 2 minutes (if that long) and goes 'here's the really painful part, hang on!' and I braced myself... as he was standing up to wash his hands. I didn't feel a thing, he was totally just giving me sh!t, LOL!! He did tell me my string was hard to find too. Don't be nervous, it's simple, quick, totally painless, and you'll feel like a new person in less than a week!!
My removal was SOOO much easier than the insertion. I cramped all day the day I got it in, and for about 2 weeks after. But the removal was no problem. My doctor found the string with no problem (I had it cut early on because it was too long), and pulled it right out. I cramped a tiny bit when she was pulling it out, but seriously, it only took about 1 minute to take it out. If you're worried about it, take a tylenol before you go in..and don't worry!
I was the opposite my insertion was a breeze and the surgical removal was pain almost worse than natural child birth. They couldnt find my strings though.
Not bad at all! It hurt a little, but no big deal. my nurse told me to cough on the count of three and she pulled it out. just like a bandaid. you will be fine.
My insertion was PAINFUL but the removal was a breeze. less than a pinch and it litterally lasted for a blink of an eye. you will do great and if it wasembedded you would have already known by way of infection and pain. I had very little cramping or bleeding. My only problem now is its taking forever to get preggers I was hoping it would have been easier than the first time around. I guess I am only destined to have one and I am thankful for her. gl
I had mine for 5 years and it came out no problem, in fact I didn't even know he had taken it out. I also found insertion very painful as well.