Hi There!! My baby is now 15 weeks old and I started taking the mini pill when he was 6 weeks old. I had no supply issues after that because it is only progesterone. Same thing with Mirena. I had mine put in 3 weeks ago and have had no supply issues even though I have returned to work. Things are plugging along like normal.
Gotta say though--It is soooooooo awesome not to have to take a pill. I don't feel it at all and neither does hubby. It hurt a little going in, but the most discomfort was over in about an hour or two. I spotted for about 2 weeks, but that's over now. I think I spotted more than normal, because I had spotting after birth longer than any of my friends too.
I say go for it. The greatest thing about this is that it was one $25 co-pay and insurance covered the rest. None of this $5-$20 a month percription stuff and forgetting to call it in or not being able to pick it up after a busy day, oh I a so happy I did this.