My daughter was drinking from a sippy cup around 8 months old... She was breastfed, so she still nursed. She was using an open cup around a year old, and weaned herself from he breast around 16 months.
14 months is not an infant... That's a toddler. If the baby is being fed formula, there really is no point beyond a year... It is made for babies, not toddlers (unless she drinks formula made specifically for toddlers.) that's why most bottle-fed babies are weaned around a year. Their nutritional needs are better met with a balanced diet, as opposed to filling up on formula or cows milk, if that's what is being out in it...(Breastfed babies are recommended to nurse longer, as the milk evolves to meet the needs of the child and provides much of the nutrition needed for babies and toddlers at different stages of development; hence the later weaning.)
There are plenty of bonding moments that can still be shared. Reading stories, snuggling into bed (even on nights my daughter slept in her crib, we still snuggled in my bed for a few minutes.) bath time, play time, the possibilities are endless.
It's sad to lose moments like that... But that's what it means to be a mom. You cherish the moments you can, because they are so fleeting. Then when they end, you move on and embrace the new moments as they come.