My son was exclusively breastfed for about 10 months when pumping at work stopped producing enough to sustain him the following day. We started using formula during the day and I cut down to just breastfeeding in the morning and before bed. Anyway, the day he turned one, my husband didn't feel like mixing a formula bottle and tried some 2%. My son sucked it down faster than he ever did the formula like, "Where have you been keeping this stuff all my life?" Point is, I wish we'd tried it a bit earlier. After that, weening him was super easy. I'd just offer a bottle (cup in your case) in the morning and at bed time to see how much he'd take and if he pushed it away and wanted the breast, that was fine with me. After about two weeks, he quit nuzzling at my chest and I quit offering. It was all so much easier than I had anticipated. My advice would be to double-check with your pediatrician first, but if you're both ready to ween, it doesn't have to be traumatic. As for eggs, I still avoid them (he's now 15 months) because my husband had a bad reaction when he was a baby (needed an adrenaline shot in the ER) and turned out to be allergic to poultry through his young adulthood. My son seems fine with chicken, but with eggs specifically on the "list" of things to avoid, I just avoid. Hope this helps and best of luck. Happy Holidays!