I totally understand your gag reflex to Bleach! I have switched all of my cleaning supplies to All Natural 'Get Clean' line from Shaklee. I would suggest the Scour Off Paste: it is Safe Nontoxic, Natural abrasives, No harsh chemicals, Biodegradable surfactants, No phosphates AND IT IS VERY INEXPENSIVE! Here is the link: togethergreen.myshaklee.com/us/en/products.php?sku=00430
Also, check out the Get Clean Starter Kit for less than $150.00 (MN SRP) to Go Green with ALL YOUR CLEANERS. You'd have to spend more than $3,400 to get the same amount of clean found in the Get Clean Starter Kit! Based on comparing number of uses as set forth on product labels of conventional, ready-to-use cleaners. That link is: togethergreen.myshaklee.com/us/en/products.php?sku=50444
Or you can always use good old Vineger... but, if the smell of Bleach makes you gag, I can only imagine what your reaction to the stench of vineger is! Best Wishes! S.-