I have been thinking on your request. I don't have any advice as far as schools and doctors, but my sister in law recommended a good book to me that I want to pass on. From the Title "The Read Aloud Handbook" it does not sound like it will help, but from what she is reading in this book, it shows the importance of reading to our kids and how it helps the brain function for them tremendously. She told me yesterday that she read in it how it helps kids with mild retardation issues when we read and read to them. Here is a link to the book (its a book for parents) http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Read-Aloud-Handbook/...
I just wanted to pass it on if it can help while you try to find some good help. I'm always looking for some good alternative ways to help my child. Hopefully it will be a good resource for you.