RD, you need to keep a real eye out on this issue with your 2 year old. Fluid in the ears certainly can hurt because the pressure in the ear is messed up. More than this, though, is that her hearing is impaired - it's like listening to sounds underwater.
You need to set up an appointment to check her pressure - a tympanogram does that. Not every ped has a typmanogram in the office. So you may need to get an appointment with a ped ENT. It takes a while sometimes to get in, so call NOW. The tympanogram is important to gage whether or not she needs a hearing test. If the fluid won't clear, her speech can be really affected.
Getting this documented now and seeing how her ears go will help you and the doctor figure out if she will need tubes in her eardrums. Right now is a tremendously important time for her to hear well so that her speech isn't adversely affected. Don't let this go.
Btw, don't let her lay down and drink anything. Make sure she is sitting up so that fluids don't pool in her eustachian tubes. Just a thought, just in case...