Instead of bibs use the old fashioned white diaper cloths they work wonders. He is going to be a little messy until he gets used to the bottle just give him a little time he'll be fine.
I've started giving my 4 week old breastfed baby a couple bottles a day and he makes such a mess when he eats! He always soaks the clothes he's wearing with the formula that runs out his mouth while sucking the bottle. Bibs don't help and he's using the nipples that are supposed to be "most like breast" so I don't know what's up. Does anyone else have this problem and is it normal? Any suggestions?
Thanks for all your responses. The reason I'm giving some bottles now is so that he gets used to them as I have to go back to work in ten days. He is getting slightly better & less messy with time.
Instead of bibs use the old fashioned white diaper cloths they work wonders. He is going to be a little messy until he gets used to the bottle just give him a little time he'll be fine.
Bottles constantly drip, so he can't control the flow. Hold it upside down. It drips. This will also likely cause him to over-eat because it just pours in. Breastfeeding is so much different. He controls the flow and he can't be over fed. Is there a reason you're using formula and bottles? I dont know anything about formula or have any suggestion for bottles as I never use them, so maybe someone has a better idea to slow the flow down. Maybe you can use EBM in the bottles instead of formula, if thats an option. Good luck!
Maybe it is the wrong "size" or "stage" nipple? He should be using a number 1 or a first stage type. I made that mistake once.
His nipple is giving down to fast change to a different nipple I had the same problem many years ago and the doctor had me do this
Hi S.~
you might want to check the nipple and make sure it isn't split or that the holes are the smallest available for that nipple brand. If the openings are too big (meant for an older child) that may be why your son is making a mess. You can also try putting a burp cloth under his chin while he's eating so that helps to soak up some of the formula. Hope that helps a little...good luck!!
S. C.
Hello S. and congrats on the birth of your baby boy! We had a baby girl on December 3rd, 2007.
I had a friend who had this problem with her son. Does it feel like he is learning to suck all over again each time he feeds? If yes, ask you doctor/ peditrition to check the thing that connects his tounge to his mouth. It may be attached too much and they may have to cut it to make it easier for him to suck. It doesn't hurt too bad when they cut it and then they have no more problems after that.
If he is used to breast try giving him a bottle designed for newborn with the slowest flow you can find.
Also, buy bibs with the lining in teh back so the wetness does not soak through.
my only thought would be either he is a very hungrey baby or the hole in nipple of bottle is to large and baby is getting it faster than he should.
I had the same exact problem with my daughter. I remember what a pain it was to change her clothes constantly. It didn't really matter what bib or cloth I used, she somehow still was soaking wet. Def. check the nipple you are using and maybe try switching to a new one. We tried three or four before we found a good fit for my daugther.
Do you notice if he drools a lot? I know babies drool, but is he almost always a little wet? I didn't know until later (when she was about a year and a half) but my daughter had poor muscle tone in her face. She had a hard time keeping in any fluids. Some suggestions to try are to rub his cheeks just before you feed him to "wake them up". Also, for just a second you could put a cold cloth in his mouth before the bottle to "wake up his mouth". This might sound silly but it is stuff that I have to do now with my daughter to help her have awareness of how to use her mouth. I hope this helped a little.