At your age I was taking home tests all the time and I was actually in the middle of the big M. Do you have any of the following symptoms? Lack of sex drive, sleeplessness, night sweats, vaginal dryness, migraine headaches, sudden unexplained weight gain, moodiness, tired all the time, thinning hair, yeast infections, irregular cycle and the list goes on and on. If you have 3 or more of these you are probably going through it. My Doctor didn't even know I was right in the middle of it and I didn't either untill my migraines were constant and I had a headache every single day for over 3 years I started using Arbonne's all natural balancing cream which stopped my migraines and made my cycle regular then my cycles stopped all together and it was over before I know it had started. PM me and I will tell you more about my symptoms. Good Luck.