Of course no one can make the decisions of what to do with your kids, and that means even your pediatrician. The very best you can do is to stay informed, follow your instincts and stick to your decisions.
Here are some links for you to read carefully and ponder. Remember, knowledge is power:
Do not stop with these two links. Get on Google and do as much of a search as you can, using terms that will offer up the results you need. For instance, you can write "meningococcal diease" + "vaccine safety", "vaccine risks", "vaccine risks vs. safety", etc.. Look for and read what both the pro and anti vaccine people have to say regarding the issue of vaccines altogether.
The decision to vaccinate your children should not be something that parents go into blindly. It is something that you are putting into their bodies that will either cause great protection from a pathological evil or will cause great challenges to their health. This is why you need to know the whats, if and when of vaccines.
Therefore, do not be scared, be aware. Think about all the other things that affect this decision, such as who is a risk for certain diseases and whether you and yours fit those categories or not. This is not to say that anyone is ever 100% safe from encountering some illness, but there are some people in some situations that put them at risk much more than others. You need to see where you fall.
Regardless of what your decision, it should not be reached at by the pediatrician's being "upset". The doc's atittude should never be a part of the equation. Remember, this is an issue over where there is a great deal of a CONTROVERSY, with both sides having some very valid points. You have every right to decide based on your careful considerations after much research.
And then, after all is said and done, go to GOD through Jesus Christ. He truly has your answer and is waiting for you to ask Him. :-)